About Alison Wilkinson With over 7 years exclusive experience in the accounting administration field, Alison provides our firm with a strong knowledge of our industry. Alison takes on the role of our office manager, and as this role is varied, also assists in social media marketing, websites, ASIC and assists the accountants as needed. Alison is also currently […]
About Ian McDougall
About Ian McDougall Ian has been working in public practice accounting for 15 years and during that time has gained a vast knowledge of the accounting industry. Through his studies and practical experience Ian has become well versed in what is required from him by clients and business managers. Ian has a passion for helping […]
Combating multinational tax avoidance
Combating multinational tax avoidance – a targeted anti-avoidance law In the 2015–16 Budget, the government announced changes to the existing Part IVA of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936. The new law will apply to tax benefits obtained on or after 1 January 2016 irrespective of when the scheme was entered into. The measure will […]
Corporate Insolvencies Decrease
Corporate Insolvencies Decrease CORPORATE insolvencies have fallen for the third financial year in a row, with mining one of the few industries where company failures are increasing. But insolvency practitioners say the statistics are a sign of a bottomed-out economy, not a healthy one, and they point to a recent rise in wind-up notices as […]
Changing your page layout on LinkedIn
Changing your page layout on LinkedIn Did you know you can move certain areas of your page around to change the layout? There’s an arrow over in the top right corner of the moveable areas: click and hold it, then drop the section parts of your profile that you deem the most important as close […]
Recommendations on LinkedIn
Recommendations on LinkedIn This is another overlooked area: I don’t think people realise the importance of recommendations. The average person on LinkedIn has less than a handful, with many people not having any at all. As a great percentage of us trust word-of-mouth advertising, or recommendations, and many of us trust advertisements, it makes sense […]
Some LinkedIn Profile Dos and Don’ts
Some LinkedIn Profile Dos and Don’ts Do: write your summary in the first person; that is, from your point of view rather than someone else’s write your profile content for human readers than that the search engine use the three website links to web pages of your choice make sure your grammar and spelling are […]
Other Sections on LinkedIn
Other Sections on LinkedIn There are also other sections that include areas for you to add: certifications languages patents projects publications test scores courses. Skills Adding skills to your profile does more than you might think. Firstly, they are searchable so when someone is searching through LinkedIn for what you do, you come up in […]
Your Summary and Additional Information on LinkedIn
Your Summary and Additional Information on LinkedIn Your summary This is another really underutilised part of the profile, which surprising as it seems like a simple thing to fill in. To do it right, though, takes a bit of thought. You have space for 2000 characters in all, so you have a reasonable area in which […]
Your Website Details and Public Profile Address on LinkedIn
Your Website Details and Public Profile Address on LinkedIn Your website details LinkedIn gives you three hot links: areas that when clicked go through to another site that they have been pointed to. Those three links need to be put to good use. Often you will see a person’s profile making use of only one […]
Setting Up Your Personal Profile on LinkedIn
Setting Up Your Personal Profile on LinkedIn Don’t underestimate how many people will be checking you out online, and LinkedIn is definitely the easiest place to start looking. Whether you are meeting a new prospect for the first time, or have sent a connection request to someone, you can bet your bottom dollar that they […]
Sponsored Stories
Sponsored Stories Another type of ad is sponsored stories, which is simple the promotion of a post gone by. Both sponsored stories and regular ads have the option of being seen in the newsfeed or just down the right side of a regular computer screen: you choose when you set them up. When they are […]
Facebook Ads
Facebook Ads Facebook ads are a great way to get traffic to a particular place as you can really drill down to who you want to talk to. You can choose who to target by: location – within 50 miles of a town demographics – male, female, age group interests – just about anything! connections […]
Facebook Spam Filters, Comments and Scheduling Content
Facebook Spam Filters, Comments and Scheduling Content Spam filters Facebook has introduced spam filters, but they can sometime be a little overzealous, so get into the habit of regularly checking what has been filtered from your page. You will find the spam filter in your activity log. From there you can decide what is actually […]
Should you allow your fans to post on your page?
Should you allow your fans to post on your page? Why do some big brands and well-known celebrities not allow you to post on their Facebook wall? Apart from the annoying activity of others posting spam messages and plugs for their own business or activities, I can’t see a real reason – it doesn’t seem […]