Newcastle Accountants | Maitland Accountants | Bottrell Offices located in Newcastle, Maitland. Your local Accountants, Tax Agents & Advisors in Newcastle & Maitland.

3 Reasons you need a New Accountant

Are you not reaching your business or personal financial potential? Or maybe you are bringing forward suggestions for improvement to your accountant. This is a sign it is time to meet with someone else!  You can receive better advice elsewhere Are you not reaching your business or personal financial potential? Or maybe you are bringing [...]

Xero Me App

Xero App - Xero have released the Xero Me App. This mobile application was designed for Xero users, employees and managers, giving them the ability to view their details, apply for leave and view payslips and process timesheets, all at the tip of their fingers. Managers are able to use Xero Me to view, manage [...]


Infusionsoft is an automation software built to assist small business to succeed. This program allows the users to Capture more leads, Improve Conversion Rates, Master Ecommerce, Manage the Sales Process and Save More Time. Infusionsoft gives you the ability to import and organise your business contacts. It collects data about contacts behaviours and scores them [...]

Payroll Tax

Of all the taxes in this country, surely payroll tax is the most absurd. It sends a very clear and succinct message to employers: do not hire any additional employees because, if you do, you'll pay the price, literally. Many are unconcerned about this impost, claiming it's a hit that affects big businesses rather than [...]

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Bottrell Business Consultants is dedicated to giving back to our community and raising awareness for causes such as Breast Cancer. October is recognised as Breast Cancer Awareness month and the Bottrell Team held a morning tea to support the cause. One in eight women in Australia are diagnosed with breast cancer during some stage of [...]

Bean Counters Ball 2016

The Bean Counters Ball is an annual fundraising event aimed to raise money to assist local youth and education programs. The fundraiser is a joint event for the local members of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand and CPA Australia to allow the accounting industry in the Newcastle region to give back to the community. [...]

Benefits and Features of MYOB

MYOB is an online accounting software that gives an accurate view of your cash flow and makes tax time obligations easier and if you link your bank account, you won’t need to manually enter data as your bank transactions are reconciled for you. These features may interest you: Produce instant reports on PAYG, GST and BAS. [...]

Benefits of using Cash Flow Manager

Quite simply, Cashflow Manager keeps records of your receipts (money in), payments (money out), tracks your GST, balances your records with your bank account, creates cashflow budgets and provide all the reports to manage your business and prepare your GST and Tax Returns. It also creates sales invoices and manages the money owed to you [...]

Benefits of using QuickBooks

Benefits of using QuickBooks   QuickBooks accounting software is in use all over world. Unlike spreadsheets like Excel, QuickBooks support many functions. It can track and manage your finances, taxes, sales and expenses. Above all, QuickBooks is available online. It can be accessed via mobile devices and desktop PCs. So it has many advantages that [...]

What is Payroll Tax?

Payroll tax is a state tax calculated on wages paid, or payable, by employers and applies in all Australian states and territories.   For payroll tax purposes, wages include: salaries allowances director's fees super the grossed-up value of fringe benefits.   Employers are required to self-assess their liability on a monthly basis, with an annual [...]

SuperStream for Employers

Under SuperStream, you need to pay super contributions for your employees electronically (electronic funds transfer or BPAY®) and send the associated data electronically. The data is in a standard format so it can be transmitted consistently across the super system – between employers, funds, service providers and the ATO. It's linked to the payment by [...]

Using Small Business Superannuation Clearing House

Using the Small Business Superannuation Clearing House The Small Business Superannuation Clearing House is a free* online service that helps small businesses to make super contributions for their employees. It can help you save time, prevent administrative errors, and allow you to make super guarantee contributions for your employees in a single transaction to one location. [...]

The Google Pixel Smart Phone

Google has announced the release date of the 20th of October 2016 for their new Android phone, The Google Pixel Smart Phone. The Google Pixel is an upgrade from the previous model, Nexus. With new software, a cutting edge processor and premium design the Pixel is leaping beyond the abilities of the Nexus and is [...]

Benefits of Cloud Accounting

THE PROS AND CONS OF CLOUD ACCOUNTING   To put it most simply, cloud accounting is a fancy interpretation of online accounting. Instead of installing accounting software on your computer, it is stored on an offsite server (in the cloud) so therefore you can access it any day, any time and on any device where [...]

Virtual CFO Services

Did you know Bottrell Business Consultants offer Virtual CFO services?   A Virtual CFO is an outsourced service offering high skill assistance in financial requirements of an organisation, identical to the role of Chief Financial Officer in large companies. The role of the Virtual CFO is to oversee financial planning, uphold the bookkeeping and accounts, [...]