Keeping Track Of Your Cash Purchases Electronic payment systems are a popular way to pay for almost anything these days, but cash still plays a huge part in many business transactions. If you're having trouble keeping track of your cash purchases, have a read of the tips below. Here are a few ways to track your [...]
Real Time or Clock time? Everything you ever learned about managing time is a complete waste of time. There are two types of time: clock time and real time. In clock time, there are 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour and so on. All time passes equally. In real time, all [...]
Do you own a franchise or a business in the hospitality industry? Did you know that Bottrell Business Consultants specialise in providing all Accounting and Tax needs to Franchises and the Hospitality Industry? Let the expert team of qualified accountants and business advisors at Bottrell Business Consultants lead you in the right direction. As the [...]
Reasons Why You Should Hire An Accountant For Your Small Business Are you not sure whether or not you need an accountant for your small business? Take a look at the reasons below. From a business plan to company formation, loan application to government audit, an accountant can make life easier for you at each [...]
3 Ways The Hospitality Industry Use Instagram So you have seen Instagram before, thought about doing it or didn't know how to get your customers involved? Here are 3 ways you can get your Instagram profile noticed, you can reach more people in your area and also create strong customer relationships. 1. Use your Destination [...]
5 Reasons Why You NEED a Business Plan! 1. Clarify Direction The primary purpose of a business plan is to define what the business is or what it intends to be over time. Clarifying the purpose and direction of your business allows you to understand what needs to be done for forward movement. 2. Future Vision [...]
Do you have any of these good habits? People always wonder what makes successful business owners, well... so successful? It has a lot to do with a multitude of things however here a few sneaky habits some have in common. They know success is about more than money… that if you’re rich and unhappy, you’re [...]
Here are our top Motivational Videos for this week to get you through Bookmark this page now. Do it! Motivational Videos are the easiest way to get you through the day. Gary V and Grant Cardone are serial offenders on our list and once you watch you will see why! (Warning May Contain some explicit [...]
They say age is just a number, but in the case of how effective your marketing efforts are, it can be the determining factor. Depending on the Social Media network, there is generally a key age demographic that holds the highest percentage – and highest influence – over that platform. For your marketing campaigns to [...]
Thanks to the widespread presence of the internet and advances in technology, we as people are constantly connected to each other one way or another. For this reason, it is vital that your business evaluates their processes and actions to take full advantage of this new era of marketing potential. Digital media is the [...]
What started as casual clothing days to combat this very Australian heatwave has turned into a new Bottrell policy - Dress for your day! Long gone are the days of ties and pantsuits, with staff now entitled to dress casual, or continue to dress in “office” attire if they choose. After a few weeks of [...]