Newcastle Accountants | Maitland Accountants | Bottrell Offices located in Newcastle, Maitland. Your local Accountants, Tax Agents & Advisors in Newcastle & Maitland.

Where Is Your Confidential Information?

Did you know Accountants and Financial Planners are sending clients work offshore to increase profits margins? Australian consumers are used to the offshore call centre when dealing with telcos. But would you expect your accountant to outsource your tax return to a cheap outfit overseas? Many accountants in Australia are shifting large proportions of their [...]

Business App Review: Deputy

What is Deputy? Deputy is a cloud-based workforce management solution that makes it easy to schedule employees, manage time and attendance, track performance, and improve workplace communication. With over 270,000 users, it has grown to be a trusted and dependable second-in-command that effectively tackles matters in the workplace. With dedicated apps, Deputy empowers a world […]

Game of Phones: 5 great apps for entrepreneurs

We check our phones about 85 times a day. Chances are, you’re reading this on one right now – or it won’t be long till you check it again. A staggering 70% of internet traffic now comes from mobile devices. This ‘smartphone addiction’ gets bad press these days. For any small business owners, rather than a distraction, the […]

Working Weekend Is Bad For New Business Owners

So you run a small business, there’s no budget for hiring help, so you try and do everything – including bookkeeping on your own. As your business grows, you come under pressure. There are more transactions happening and more records to keep. Money flows in and out of the business faster, and you often lose [...]

Goal setting to achieve your dream life!

Life is for living and it is so important to set goals so you are living a proactive life where things don’t just happen to you… you make them happen!   Goals & Dreams Do you have a big goal like going on a holiday, purchasing a new car, buying a house or retiring early? […]

What apps are right for your business?

Software technology has evolved massively in the past decade, with cloud-based apps now fundamental to many of the internal and external processes in your business. To ensure you’re getting the best from the available tech, it’s important to choose the right apps and to create the ideal ‘app stack’ for a business in your specific […]

15 Tips to improve your Budget!

Are you looking to improve your Budget and cash flow in the new year? If so, these 15 tips can help you get on the right track. From setting financial goals and creating a budget to cutting unnecessary expenses and increasing your income, you can use various strategies to manage your money better. By following […]

Strategies For Managing Your Business’s Debtors

One of the critical aspects of running a successful business is managing your debtors. Debtors refer to customers who have purchased goods or services from your business on credit but have not yet paid for them. While extending credit to customers can be an effective way to increase sales and build customer loyalty, it can […]

The Importance of Networking for Australian Small Business Owners

Introduction In the contemporary business environment, the importance of networking cannot be understated, especially for Australian small business owners. Networking, or the act of establishing relationships with other business professionals, can be a game-changer for small businesses in Australia, enhancing their visibility and growth potential. Small businesses in cities such as Newcastle, for instance, can […]