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Disruptive Innovation

Disruptive Innovation


What is disruptive innovation?

Disruptive innovation is a relatively new term. Its premise lies in the model of smaller companies with fewer resources and power that gradually challenge and overpower successfully established businesses by inventing new technologies to replace the old, and in the process, gain a competitive advantage.

Invented by Clayton Christensen, of Harvard Business School, disruptive innovation describes the creation of new markets through the discovery of new customers. This is done by overturning your established business model – of not ‘doing the same old thing’ and discovering a new way to do things.  Or by inventing new technologies that render old technologies obsolete and reshape an entire industry.

Those businesses that succeed at disruptive innovation gradually peck away at an established market, piece by piece, until before they know it, their mainstream customers have defected and created new purchasing loyalty.

What does the future of disruptive innovation hold?

Disruptive innovation depends on the upheaval of existing markets, products and services. With new technologies being discovered and tested on a daily basis, the future can be quite a scary prospect. With robots and technology taking over so many of our people-powered jobs, are we at risk of being run by a world of robotic workers with many of our professions deemed obsolete?

Only time will tell, but until then, the challenge facing all businesses is to continue to grow, to embrace change, to unearth new things and never rest on your laurels – as there is always someone waiting in the wings to take your place.

Are you interested in joining our team?

Are you interested in joining our team? We have offices in Newcastle, East Maitland, Brisbane, Surfers Paradise, Melbourne and Sydney, make sure you Contact our office today!

Why choose to work with us?

When building a team we always search for people who love to win! If we can’t find any of those, we find people who hate to loose.

It is our people that makes us makes us an award winning team!

  • Our people are passionate and love what they do.
  • Our people take pride in what they do – ‘do it right the first time’
  • Our people genuinely care about our values clients and want to see our clients succeed
  • Our people deliver results
  • Our people unite as a team to dominate and achieve great things

We are a young and dynamic team of Chartered Accountants and business advisors passionate about assisting our clients achieve there financial and personal goals.

We are seeking highly motivated staff, that are passionate career focused and have a genuine interest in joining an award winning team.

Read more about our firm here.

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