Earthmoving plant operators– claiming work-related expenses
Some standard tax deductions for your industry are:-
- motor vehicle expenses, including car lease payments
- travel expenses and associated allowances
- uniform, occupation-specific or protective clothing, including laundry and dry-cleaning expenses
- other expenses, such as meals, phone, mobile and computer running costs.
Please use this guide to help you, as a building and construction employee, work out what income you should declare, and what work-related expenses you can claim a tax deduction for.
A building and construction employee includes a:
- building construction project manager or supervisor
- building construction labourer
- construction project manager
- construction site supervisor
- carpenter and joiner, including apprentices and trainees
- shop fitter
- bricklayer
- builder
- concreter.
You may incur work-related expenses relating to:
- a car- Generally, the cost of normal trips between home and work is a private expense for which you cannot claim an income tax deduction. However, as an employee, there are certain situations where you may be able to claim deductions for travel between your home and workplace.You can claim the cost of using your car or vehicle to travel between your home and work if:
- you have to carry bulky tools and equipment you need to use at work
- it is essential to transport the equipment to and from work, and it is not done as a matter of convenience or personal choice
- there is no secure storage area at your workplace.
- travel
- uniform, occupation specific or protective clothing, laundry and dry-cleaning
- self-educationProvided you meet one of the eligibility requirements in Are you eligible to claim? the following self-education expenses are allowable tax deductions:
- tuition fees, including fees payable under FEE-HELP (this does not includeexpenses paid under HECS-HELP)
- FEE-HELP is a loan for eligible fee-paying students enrolled at an eligible higher education provider or Open Universities of Australia
- self-education expenses paid with your OS-HELP loan
- OS-HELP is a loan which helps students meet airfares, accommodation and other travel expenses while undertaking some of their study overseas
- textbooks, professional and trade journals
- stationery
- photocopying
- computer expenses
- student union fees
- student services and amenities fees
- accommodation and meals, where the course requirements require you to be away from home for one or more nights
- running expenses if you have a room set aside for self-education purposes – such as the cost of heating, cooling and lighting that room while you are studying in it
- allowable travel expenses
- tuition fees, including fees payable under FEE-HELP (this does not includeexpenses paid under HECS-HELP)
- other items such as a phone, tools and equipment and overtime meals.Generally, meals, snacks and drinks you buy and consume while on the job are considered to be a private expense and not an allowable deduction. However, there are certain situations where you may be able to claim a deduction. These are overtime meals and meals when travelling overnight.
For more deductions, please call the office on 1300 788 491.
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