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Maya Angelou Quoted that Creativity Never Gets Finished

Maya Angelou Quoted that Creativity Never Gets Finished

Maya Angelou citations are always inspirational. She has many beautiful quotes but here is the one we like the most: “You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” This quote was targeted at those who fear to exploit their thinking abilities perhaps because of not believing in themselves.
Maya Angelou claims that creativity does not ever end. The more you make use of your creativity the more it grows. This means that your mind will be generating fresh ideas every so often that you will never run out of something exciting to do.
And who doesn’t want a creative brain in this life? With mounting creativity you can earn a living and have a much more exciting lifestyle. Do not be tempted to hide your talents or thinking aptitude as Maya Angelou advises. If you do so you might fail to discover and live your purpose on earth.

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