Newcastle Accountants | Maitland Accountants | Bottrell Offices located in Newcastle, Maitland. Your local Accountants, Tax Agents & Advisors in Newcastle & Maitland.

Other Sections on LinkedIn

Other Sections on LinkedIn

There are also other sections that include areas for you to add:

  • certifications
  • languages
  • patents
  • projects
  • publications
  • test scores
  • courses.


Adding skills to your profile does more than you might think. Firstly, they are searchable so when someone is searching through LinkedIn for what you do, you come up in the results. Secondly, you can endorse a connection’s skill and they can do the same to you. This then populates the visual box with their photo in the skills sections and adds another to the counter over on the left side. You will see a mini picture of who has endorsed you for what, which is a great visual when someone is looking at your profile and there are many endorsements for your skills. This may give you the edge over the competition. When you receive an endorsement from someone, you will be notified via LinkedIn email so you know who has done it. Turn endorsements around with you endorsing someone else, it puts you back on their radar just for a moment, which is always a good thing.

Rich media

You can also add some great visual content to your profile, which really makes your profile stand out because so many people just don’t bother with it. So what can you add?

  • PowerPoint – Add a PowerPoint presentation with a handful of great slides about what it is that you do. Make sure you add a final page with your contact details on it and either post this to your profile directly, or better yet, load it up to a Slideshare account ( As LinkedIn owns Slideshare, it’s another free place that your content can get access to another bunch of viewers. You can then link your Slideshare account to your LinkedIn account, or simply post the link to it on your profile. While in edit mode, use the odd-shaped icon over on the right that looks a little like a square with a plus sign attached to it.
  • Video – Use this same icon to upload a YouTube video to your profile. You can also upload the whole file if you wish.
  • PDFs – PDFs are a great way to add terms and conditions, price lists, brochures and the like so that your connections can download them easily.
  • Links -You can add a link to anything here, such as articles you have written on another site, news stories about your company, the list is endless.
  • Whatever you add to your profile via the rich media square icon, make sure it’s visually appealing to allow connections to see the best from you.

Ref: Marketing with Social Media: 10 Easy Steps to Success for Business, Linda Coles (2015)

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Join the Market Leader in 2016 – Accounting Traineeships

Looking to study a B.Com at University of Newcastle in 2016?

Bottrell Business Consultants are a Multi Award Winning Firm

We have 2016 Traineeships available – work 3 days Study part-time 2 days

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Offices – East Maitland | Newcastle | Sydney | Melbourne | Brisbane | Gold Coast

Bottrell Accountants | Newcastle Accounting Firm | Maitland Accountants

Bottrell Business Consultants Pty Ltd – Chartered Accountants and Business Advisors.

The Bottrell group incorporates Bottrell Business Consultants, Bottrell Accounting & Taxation, Maitland Accounting & Taxation, East Maitland Accounting Services and Mobile Bookkeeping & Recruitment.

Our group of businesses & links include the following companies (& our websites);-

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