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Most Common Legal Firm Business Structure Types

When planning to put up a business, it is important to know first the various legal business structure types and their salient features. Researching about it will serve as a useful guide in choosing the right structure that is best suitable for your business needs and possible demands in the future. It is worthy to note […]

Changes to being able to pre-pay tax

Changes to being able to pre-pay tax The ATO has advised practitioners that to make it easier for clients to manage their tax liabilities, they can now pre-pay their activity statement before the due date. In the past, the ATO automatically refunded credits from early payment. Now, a pre-payment made towards a tax liability before […]

PAYG withholding variations

PAYG withholding variations PAYG withholding variations PAYG withholding variations should be used when the payee (the person receiving a payment) wants to reduce their  withholding rate for the year ending 30 June. If this is you, please read further or call the office. The main purpose of varying your rate or amount of withholding is to make […]