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CGT Rollover relief for changes to entity structure

CGT Rollover relief for changes to entity structure On 8 March 2016, the Tax Laws Amendment (Small Business Restructure Rollover) Act 2016 received royal assent. This roll-over was announced in the 2015-16 budget as part of the Growing Jobs and Small Business package. Broadly, this Act : provides greater flexibility for small business owners to […]

PAYG withholding variations

PAYG withholding variations PAYG withholding variations PAYG withholding variations should be used when the payee (the person receiving a payment) wants to reduce their  withholding rate for the year ending 30 June. If this is you, please read further or call the office. The main purpose of varying your rate or amount of withholding is to make […]

Loss carry back measures

Loss carry back measures Confirmation that the loss carry-back measures were finally passed by Parliament just days before 2012-13 ended, in a move to benefit more than 110,000 Australian companies.   The loss carry-back law provides a company with the choice to carry back up to $1 million of losses against profits from a previous […]