What you don’t understand about negotiating a deal From a birds eye perspective – In business, negotiating a deal is to analyse the situation or point you are putting across, strategise how you’d like to convey your message and decide how much you’re willing to put on the table. Your objective is to get the […]
Benefits of Business Advice
Benefits for Obtaining Business Advice Are you considering getting some business advice, but are unsure of the benefits? We have put together a list of some of the main advantages to getting advice whether it be as a start up business or an established business. Advice The biggest benefit of having a business mentor is […]
June 2014 Super Update from the ATO
June 2014 Super Update from the ATO On 12 March 2014, new privacy laws came into effect and mainly relate to what we do when we collect personal information. These amendments affect how we collect, store, provide access to and disclose personal information. This includes information that is provided to us from third parties including […]
MYOB Free Trials
MYOB Free Trials Bottrell Business Consultants are a professional partner of MYOB. MYOB online solutions help you keep control of your finances, be more productive and reduce risk. For your free trial go to :- http://provisioning.aws.reckonone.com/ReckonOne/ReckonOneSignup.aspx MYOB or Mind Your Own Business is a specialist software company providing small business accounting packages and is probably the best known […]