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How to transition back to work post holidays

How to transition back to work post holidays

1. Don’t turn on your computer straight away- sorting through all the emails from your absence will put you in major fix it mode, instead write a list of things you want to achieve and approach everything in a systematic way

2. Think about the money- ensure your prices reflect the market and are giving the profit margins you want. Set targets and budgets for your team (or yourself) and start measuring from the first day back

3. Put your family and health first- re set your working hours so that you have time for the things that are important to you and avoid burn out

4. Think Big- avoid setting low targets for fear of failure, setting them higher will mean you’re more likely to fall somewhere in the middle

5. Plan your day and start it well- spend your first two hours on tasks that give you satisfaction. This will make it easier to tackle less interesting or difficult tasks later on

6. Be aware you will start a little flat- lack of sleep and exercise and over indulgence of food or alcohol over the holiday period can result in depleted energy levels and lack of focus. Moderate your exercise and look after yourself

7. Start a new diary- diarising your tasks is crucial in keeping yourself accountable. It should include four key activities for each day: the ways you will find clients, win clients, keep clients and how you will manage these three tasks

8. Reward yourself- take some time out to celebrate your little successes, this will help keep you motivated along the way.

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