Newcastle Accountants | Maitland Accountants | Bottrell Offices located in Newcastle, Maitland. Your local Accountants, Tax Agents & Advisors in Newcastle & Maitland.

CFO Advisory | Financial Controlling

Using a trusted third party as your finance function ensures that your business complies with local requirements, GST and taxation regime. Whether your business is a start-up – in growth phase, or an established corporation, Bottrell Business Consultants can handle all your CFO duties by having your finance function processing quickly. We even offer assistance with your existing financial team.

Accountability Feature

– Both a contact point, and person on the ground for your auditors

– Cashflow forecasting

– Acquisition and restructuring assistance

– GST compliance and tax returns

– Annual financial statements

– Helping you to establish a business

Payroll Service for any Employee

Basic Bookkeeping

Monthly Management Reports

Profit & Loss

Balance Sheet


What will this do for your business?

Outsourcing a CFO position can benefit your business through risk management and a cost effective approach. The Bottrell Team are experts in Australian Accounting and Taxation processes and their proactive and efficient approach. The financial management specialists will allow your business to prioritise your business growth without the hassle of an internal CFO role.