Newcastle Accountants | Maitland Accountants | Bottrell Offices located in Newcastle, Maitland. Your local Accountants, Tax Agents & Advisors in Newcastle & Maitland.

Bottrell Accountants | Newcastle Accounting Firm | Maitland Accountants

Additional Services

Additional Services

Bottrell Business Consultants provide a full range of accounting and taxation services that allow our clients to achieve their financial, business and personal goals. BBC also offer a range of additional services to save you time and make your business run more efficiently. These include:


Payroll Management

Our team can draft and process your weekly or fortnightly payroll based on your timesheets or payroll information you provide to us. We can also offer advice in the scheduling of your pay runs, or assist in the management of your payroll on all accounting software’s. We can also organise for pay slips and annual PAYG summary statements to be sent out to employees and reporting of payroll performance to management as frequently as requested.


Stock Control

Our accountants can assist you with your stock control and stocktakes. We can manage your stock levels on all different types of accounting software, as well as providing inventory management and advice to help you save time and focus on running your business. We offer tailored solutions to businesses in the hotels and hospitality industry, where we can help take control of your inventory management as well as providing additional stock reports to assist in your purchasing department’s decision making and providing a in depth review of stock for management.


Internal Controls

Our team can also provide your business with a review and adjustment of your internal controls to help you manage your business so that you have adequate information to efficiently plan, monitor and report business operations. We can help you ensure your business is compliant with legislation as well promoting an environment where managers and staff can maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of their operations. With a strong internal control system we can increase your productivity whilst also helping your achieve your personal and business goals.

Contact our team today to see how can assist your business.

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Bottrell Group

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