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Can we help you make your dreams work?

Can we help you make your dreams work?

Really concentrate on what inspires you. The more you know about what drives you to be happy and successful, the better decisions you will make about changing direction. Good questions to ask yourself include:

  • What would you do for free? This focuses your attention on the big things that matter in your life.
  • What might you regret not doing in life? Is there something that you always wished you had done?

There are two types of values that you will experience in your lifetime.

Core values are principles that you hold dear. Unlike passions, they rarely change. They determine your sense of self and help you know what is right for you in situations requiring moral judgement.

Variable values, the ones you mostly likely focus on when thinking about changing career direction, often change depending on where you are in life. For example, people starting out in the workforce can be driven by success and status, but as life moves on, balancing work with daily responsibilities may well become more important.

At Bottrell Business Consultants our office lives by this quote of:-

Dream + work = success

Can our team help you to make your dreams work for your business?

Goals are different to passions and dreams. But, as we have seen above, passions and dreams are very important as they set you on the road to achieving goals. Ask any successful person about why they set goals and they will tell you that setting goals is the key to get the most out of life. Achieving goals means feeling good about yourself and your role in your family and community.

Call our Small Business Team today on 02 4933 6888.

Locations now in Newcastle, Brisbane, Surfers Paradise, Sydney, Melbourne and East Maitland.



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