You’d be hard pressed to find a successful entrepreneur who doesn’t have a list of failures under their belt. It is usually these failures that are the stepping-stone to that fabulous idea that finally makes it. The one that other people see the potential in as well as yourself.
Fortune noted that the top reason start-ups fail is because they make a product no one wants.
Q: Why would you make a product no one wants?
A: Lack of market research
If you have attempted to launch a business yet have found it has fallen flat, get up, dust yourself off, learn from your mistakes, and start again.
But! Before you launch into small business world domination, do your market research!
- What is your product or service?
- Is it already available on the market?
- What makes your product stand out?
- Why would people buy it
- What are you charging?
- Are you remaining competitive?
- Where in the market do you plan on situating your product?
- How are you going to sell it?
- How will your customers find you?
Market research is absolutely essential in starting a business, yet is one of the most over-looked steps in the entire process. Yet it is the most important.
You can’t run before you walk, so get up and try again.
No one ever succeeded by giving up.
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