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Maya Angelou Sayings

Maya Angelou Sayings

Some motivational quotes are attributed to more than one person. A good example is this: “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Although mostly attributed to Maya Angelou , there are other people who made the exact statement. One example is Carol W Buchner, a speech maker.
In 2003, however, the saying was attributed to the poet Maya Angelou. This quote targets all kinds of speech makers who speak in front of people. The audiences you speak to may forget what you said and did but they will forever remember how your words made them feel.
So it is good to mind your words and this means that you need to choose them carefully. When giving a speech, make sure that you are telling people things they consider relevant and educative rather than insults. This is because people will always recall how your speech make them feel.

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