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Scott Belsky Inspirational Quote about Ideas

Scott Belsky has a simple saying for entrepreneurial people. This is it: “It’s not about ideas. It’s about making ideas happen.” Scott Belsky is the Co-founder of Behance, which is very successful. What he meant is that ideas are just nothing if they are not implemented.
You can have several ideas but if none is ever implemented they will be of no use to you. When you make ideas work, you enjoy the thrill of trying even if you fail in the process. The main reason why some ideas are never executed is because there is fear of failure. People fear losing their finances if the idea fails.
What they fail to realize is that big businesses that employ thousands of people today had their difficult early beginnings. There was a time when they were just raw ideas. Today they are big establishments that have gone beyond the country borders. So it will be nice to follow Scott Belsky advice.

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The Bottrell group incorporates Bottrell Business Consultants, Bottrell Accounting & Taxation, Maitland Accounting & Taxation, East Maitland Accounting Services and Mobile Bookkeeping & Recruitment.

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