Online Tax Return Submission Step 1 of 3 33% Personal InformationTax File Number*Tax File Number Although you are not legally required to obtain a Tax File Number you must have one to lodge your tax return online with Bottrell.Name* Prefix Mr.Mrs.MissMs.Dr.Prof.Rev. First Last Suffix Date of Birth* DD slash MM slash YYYY Residency StatusDo you have Australian citizenship?*YesNoWhat type of Visa did you have?417 - Working Holiday Visa457 - Temporary Work Visa462 - Work and Holiday VisaNew Zealand CitizenOther- Please SpecifyOther Please SpecifyDate of first arrival in Australia DD slash MM slash YYYY Date of departure from Australia (if applicable) DD slash MM slash YYYY Were you a Part-Year or Non-Resident of Australia?YesNoPart year resident or Non-resident? If you have trouble answering this question we suggest you take the ATO Determination of Residency test to work out your residency status. Australian residents pay taxes at substantially lower rates than nonresidents and benefit from substantial offsets not available to non-residentsContact InformationContact Phone NumberEmail Address Family StatusDid you have a spouse during the financial year?YesNoDid you have any dependants during the financial year?YesNoHow many?Government LoansDo you have a Higher Education Loan Program (HELP), Student Start-up Loan (SSL), ABSTUDY Student Start-up Loan (ABSTUDY SSL), Trade Support Loan (TSL) or Student Financial Supplement Scheme (SFSS) debt?YesNoWhat is your current HECS/HELP balance?What is your current SFSS balance?What is your current ABSTUDY Student Start-up Loan (ABSTUDY SSL) balance?What is your current TSL balance?Special Circumstances: Tick all/any that apply My name and/or title has been changed since my last tax return. I was unable to work this financial year due to a disability I am a veteran or war widow(er) I stopped Full Time Education for the first time. Income Please tick any relevant information below that you will be attaching or bringing to your appointment. We cannot confirm when the Australian Tax Office Portal will have these details available.Tick any Income that applies Payment Summaries Lump Sum and Termination Payment Summaries Government payment statements, if received Interest income from banks and building societies Dividend statements for dividends received or reinvested Annual Tax Statements from Managed Funds Other Income Rental properties Business Foreign income Capital gains Employee share schemes Notes or Comments relating to IncomeUpload your Income Files Here Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 32 MB. DeductionsPlease tick any relevant information below that you will be attaching or bringing to your appointment. Tick any that apply Work Related Expenses: Motor vehicle Travel (fares and accommodation) Uniforms/work-wear Self-education and professional development Union, registrations, tools, subscriptions, memberships Home office, seminars, conferences Telephone, computer, internet Any other costs incurred earning income Donations to charities or building funds Income protection insurance Upload your Deduction Files Here Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 32 MB. Offsets & RefundsTick any/all that apply: Health insurance and rebate entitlement statement IAS statements or details of PAYG instalments paid Spouse details including taxable and exempt income Upload your Offset/Refund Files Here Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 32 MB. OPTIONAL: Refund DetailsYou can bring this to your appointment or we can gather these details over the phone. Bank NameAccount Details BSB: ACCOUNT: Almost there!We need to confirm your details and arrange for payment if you are submitting an online tax return. How would you prefer us to contact you? Phone Email SMS (please note we usually need to use all forms of contact to complete your return)How would you like to complete your return.Make an appointmentVirtual (phone & email)I already have my appointment bookedRequest a Meeting Time or Call Back. DD slash MM slash YYYY Time : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM Would you like a copy of your information emailed to you? Enter your email in this box to receive a copy. PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Name* First Last Contact Number*Email Preferred Date (If known) MM slash DD slash YYYY Preferred Time : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM How many years to complete?*1 year2 years3 years4 years +