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East Maitland Accountants & Financial Advisors, Newcastle Accountants & Financial Advisors

The Benefits of Creating a Financial Plan for Your Business

Financial planning is an essential aspect of managing a successful business. It provides a roadmap for achieving financial goals, managing resources effectively, and ensuring long-term sustainability. By creating a well-structured financial plan, businesses can effectively navigate through various economic scenarios and make informed decisions that contribute to their overall success. This article will explore into […]

Starting a business in Newcastle

  Starting a business in Newcastle, Australia, requires careful research and planning to ensure success. Key considerations include developing a business plan, determining financial needs, choosing the proper business structure and bookkeeping system, and seeking professional advice. By thoroughly preparing and seeking expert guidance, you can set yourself up for success as you embark on [...]

How will aged care affect your family?

Naturally, when investigating options for an elderly person, finding the right level of care is crucial, as is anticipating future care requirements and planning for them. Given a choice, most people would prefer to remain in their own homes and the government has committed to ensuring that home care resources will be gradually increased over […]

Bootstrapping a business

What is Bootstrapping? Bootstrapping a business is when an entrepreneur uses their own money as start-up capital for their business. The term comes from the old saying ‘pull yourself up by your bootstraps’ and refers to getting something done yourself. This method of financing allows you to have 100% ownership of your business and not […]