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Xero Touch in one touch

Xero Touch in one touch

The mobile team at Xero have just released in November 2014 Touch ID for iOS! There for putting your business at your actual fingertips. This has been a fairly long time in the creation.

When you choose to use Touch ID, the app generates a 32-character alphanumeric ‘secret’ and stores it in your phone’s secure keychain. This secret is automatically set up as your new Xero PIN. When you authenticate with your fingerprint, the PIN is retrieved and submitted to Xero just as if you’d typed it in. TouchID is therefore much more secure than using a 4-digit numeric PIN, as well as being much faster to access and of course impossible to forget. Just make sure you always put your fingers somewhere safe.

This caps off the latest round of improvements to the iOS version of Xero Touch. The (observant) early adopters among you may have noticed that the last release tidied up the screen layouts for the iPhone 6 and 6+. We also moved to compiling against the iOS8 SDK. It’s great that our customers move as fast as we do – 60% of you are already on iOS 8, after less than two months! A staggering 40% are already on iOS 8.1, and that was released less than two weeks ago. We’re committed to staying up to date with the latest and greatest in the mobile world and it’s great to know that you are too.


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