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Work Christmas party

Work Christmas party


7 Things to be wary of at your work Christmas party

1.       Not turning up- Founder and CEO of Job Advisor Justin Babet said the first rule of the Christmas party is to turn up. “You need to make an effort. It’s extremely bad form if you RSVP and don’t make it. They’ve spent money to do this and it’s not nice if people don’t show up. You might get labelled as not a team player,” he said.

2.       Taking advantage of the free booze (in a really obvious way)- “(the Christmas party) is not like a normal social event,” Mr Babet said. “Your friends don’t employ you so when you go out with friends you can get away with things you can’t at a work function. You can have fun but there’s a broader context to that fun.” You’re still essentially in an office environment. If your partner is invited, it may also pay to keep them in check.

3.       Letting your ‘real’ self out of the bag… too quickly- The Christmas party can be one of the few times you get a glimpse of people’s personalities outside of the office environment.”There’s always one or two shockers in the room. It’s something people need to keep their guard up [about]. They’re going to be seen in a social environment, they need to make sure any behaviour supports what their ambitions are in the workplace.”

4.       Finally getting those grudges off your chest- Everyone has issues in the workplace, but the Christmas party is not the time to air your biggest grievances.

5.       Put your phone away – No one wants to see an anti-social colleague texting all night so being a good guest often means putting your phone away.

6.       If you’re going to hook up with a workmate, be discreet- It’s best to keep things classy and don’t ever make a move on someone that is spoken for.

7.       If you have had a shocker, own up- If you wake up the next day having offended someone or really put your foot in things, the best thing to do is front up and apologise.

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