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Social Media “don’ts”

Some Social Media “Dont’s” That relate to all forms of the current day trends.


Cuss: Swearing is trashy and it will be hard for people to take you seriously.

Fight: If a customer is providing you constructive feedback, acknowledge them and take the conversation offline (private message them and get their contact info or provide yours).

Spam: People are following you so they can build a relationship with your brand.  If you spam them you will loose their business. If you don’t’ know what SPAM is, we advise you read up on it.

Lie: If you say you are somewhere but are posting pictures (in real time) that show you in another place, that looks shady. This is just an example of a lie and I’m sure you know the difference between a lie and the truth.

Ignore you followers: Social media is a place to create conversation and if people are messaging/tweeting you try your best to provide a timely response. If you ignore your followers they will not follow you.

There are many other “things” that you should not do on social media but I feel like these are some of the more important “DON’TS.” If you are unsure of your social media ethics just ask yourself “Would I say this to my grandma?” If the answer is no, think twice about that post.

We can help your business with Marketing plans  and social media advice.


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Bottrell Business Consultants Pty Ltd – Chartered Accountants and Business Advisors.

The Bottrell group incorporates Bottrell Business Consultants, Bottrell Accounting & Taxation, Maitland Accounting & Taxation, East Maitland Accounting Services and Mobile Bookkeeping & Recruitment.

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