Tax tips for Australian businesses 6 January 2014 Media release 2014/01 The Australian Taxation Office today launched a new campaign to help Australian businesses meet their tax obligations. The social media and promotional campaign provides business owners with practical tips to increase awareness of their tax rights and obligations and make it easier to comply. […]
The ATO cut Tape regarding TFN Applications
The ATO cut Tape regarding TFN Applications The ATO cut Tape regarding TFN Applications and has been removed thanks to a partnership between the ATO and Australia Post. TFN applications are now simpler and easier, as they can now be applied for online and a printout of the application summary can then be verified […]
Profit Loss
Profit Loss Profit & Loss Profit Loss A profit and loss shows the the potential profit or loss that the business has generated for a set period in time. The main items that the profit and loss shows is sales and expenses. If the business is registered for GST, then the Profit & Loss is […]
Information for contractors and consultants – PSI
Natural Disasters
Income Deductions
Income Deductions Income & deductions Income Deductions Income & deductions The ATO apply tax to the difference of our assessable income and allowable deductions, but what is included in these? Assessable income includes wages, directors fees, some government allowances and pensions, superannuation income, interest, dividends, rent, managed fund distributions, capital gains and business income. […]
Car sales
Car sales Car sales dip blamed on FBT Car sales The automotive sector is blaming uncertainty around the previous government’s plans for the FBT compliance regime for a 3.1% decline in vehicle sales in October. The Abbott government has announced that it will scrap planned changes to the FBT regime but the automotive sector said […]