As with many people who have outstanding ideas, Henry Ford was aware of how he could use his enthusiasm for his invention in his daily life. If you don’t act like you can succeed then it will be hard to actually do it.
Henry Ford explained how he managed to do this when he said “Enthusiasm is the sparkle in your eyes; the swing in your gait, the grip of your hand. The irresistible surge of will and energy to execute your ideas.”
Little can be achieved if you hide your light under a bushel as it is the enthusiasm that you show that will be passed on to others and as a result, there is a greater chance of success. Don’t give up and don’t let others think that there is the chance that you will give up before you have achieved your aim. Henry Ford did not.
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Bottrell Business Consultants Pty Ltd – Chartered Accountants and Business Advisors.
The Bottrell group incorporates Bottrell Business Consultants, Bottrell Accounting & Taxation, Maitland Accounting & Taxation, East Maitland Accounting Services and Mobile Bookkeeping & Recruitment.
Our group of businesses & links include the following companies (& our websites);-
- Bottrell Accounting & Taxation – Visit out website
- Bottrel Business Consultants Pty Ltd – Visit our website
- Maitland Accounting & Taxation – Visit our website
- East Maitland Accounting Services – Visit our website
- Mobile Bookkeeping & Recruitment – Visit our website
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