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Increases in low-income thresholds for the Medicare Levy

Changes made by the Treasury Laws Amendment (Medicare Levy and Medicare Surcharge) Bill 2017 have increased the following thresholds, in line with movements in the consumer price index (CPI):

  • The Medicare levy low-income thresholds for individuals and families (along with the dependent child/student component of the family threshold).

In particular, the low-income threshold for individuals for the 2017 income year is $21,655;

  • The Medicare levy low-income threshold for individuals and families eligible for the seniors and pensioners tax offset (SAPTO) (along with the dependent child/support component of the family threshold).

The income threshold for individual taxpayers for the SAPTO for the 2017 income year is $34,244, and the income threshold for families eligible for the SAPTO for the 2017 income year is $47,670; and

  • The Medicare levy surcharge low-income threshold.
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