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Budget Planner

Original price was: $100.00.Current price is: $0.00.

Budget Planners are a fabulous way to keep track of your spending’s. By knowing where your money is going each week / month is a great entry into budgeting your money.


Our Budget Planner has separate tabs allocated to different parts of your daily life.

A Budget Planner is a great tool for anyone needing insight on where their money is going with day to day spending.
For instance:

  • Income
  • Financial Commitments
  • Home / Utilities
  • Education / Health
  • Shopping / Transport

By breaking up your spending’s into smaller categories it is simple to see where your money is going each period and can help drastically with home budgeting.

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budget planner


budget planner


budget planner


budget planner

How to use a budget planner properly and save money

Budgeting can be a scary word, but once you know how to budget properly it’s hard to imagine going back. Budgeting doesn’t mean scrimping and saving, but is instead just a plan for managing your money and expenses, which can include spending on entertainment, luxuries and more of life’s pleasures.

Once you learn how to budget and save, you’ll be able to spend money on luxuries without worry or guilt, and can manage your expenses more closely.

So, what is a budget?

A budget is simply a detailed description of what income is coming in and what money is going out, basically your savings and expenses.

A budget plan lets you see where your money is going, and gives you a clear picture of your saving and spending patterns. Whatever your financial goals, a budget can help.

How to use a budget planner

A budget planner is a tool that enables you to itemise and document all income and expenditure, as well as list and plan for future expenses.

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