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Social Media and What it Entails

Social Media and What it Entails

Do you know what social media is? There are so many websites using this term to describe what they offer. So we can understand why novices feel confused.

It is just a platform that lets people of all walks of life to converse and share items of interest. These may be pictures, videos, articles, podcasts, music, contests, promotions and so much more.

Social media websites offer this sort of platform and there are so many of them. Some publish news in form of articles so users can them read and leave comments. Digg, Reddit and Propeller are good examples.

Others let users find and add new contacts, follow new groups, join discussions and share stuff. Good examples include Facebook, Twitter, Hi5 and Instagram and others.

Some social media sites interact by tagging sites and looking through sites bookmarked by other people. These include and Blinklist. A site like LinkedIn is built specifically for professionals of all kinds.

YouTube, Flicker and others are video and photosharing sites respectively. Wikis, such as Wikia and Wikipia, publish new articles and edit old ones.


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