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Traits of effective leaders

Traits of effective leaders

Traits of effective leaders


The 10 traits of effective leaders


Being a good leader is hard, yet once mastered, is an invaluable trait that will build a dedicated and loyal staff for years to come. We’ve compiled the top 10 traits of effective leaders as spoken by staff who have seen both the good and the bad!

  1. Lead by example

Inspire by doing – your team will follow a leader that inspires them, that gives them a goal to work towards.

  1. Listen to your team

Listen well. Value the opinion of others and ensure all voices are heard and respected.

  1. Encourage diversity

Encourage a melting pot of ideas – encourage your team to reach beyond the boundaries of expectations and deliver ideas and concepts that challenge them.

  1. Encourage creativity

Encourage your team to stretch the limits of their imagination. Great ideas need to start somewhere.

  1. Reward your team

If your staff performs well, let them know about it. It can be as simple as a personal congratulations, an email to staff or monthly celebration of reaching KPIs.

  1. Show enthusiasm

If your staff see you oozing enthusiasm for the job, it is hard not to follow. Positivity breeds positivity – so start at the top and watch it infiltrate down the ranks.

  1. Delegate well

A good leader knows how to delegate well. Lead the charge but entrust your team to get the job done. If you can’t trust your team, you’ve got the wrong team.

  1. Be a good communicator

Ensure to listen to the needs of your staff and communicate with them every day. Keep your finger on the pulse with your workers to stay in the loop of company dynamics.

9. Be Accountable

Be ethical and always act with integrity. Ensure to show your staff that these are key traits they need to uphold as part of your team.

10. Be approachable

Always keep your door open.

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Bottrell Group

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