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Licences and permits for your business

Bottrell Accountants | Newcastle Accounting Firm | Maitland Accountants


Did you know you can find all your local council, state and federal government licences and permits to run your business in one simple search?

If not, it’s worth taking the time to use the Australian Business Licence and Information Service (ABLIS).

What is ABLIS?

ABLIS is the government’s online search tool that tells you what licences, registrations and permits you need to run your business.

Whether you’re starting out, expanding across states or just want to make sure you’ve got what you need, ABLIS can help. You can spend less time sorting through the paperwork or dealing with government and more time running your business.

What happens when you search ABLIS?

ABLIS uses a short survey about your business type, industry and location.

You receive personalised results with licence and permit requirements relevant to your business from all levels of government, including links to the applications and contact details. You’ll also receive information on licence fees, how to apply, periods of cover and renewals.

To check something specific, you can also use the custom search function to look up a licence or piece of compliance.

Source: Australian Taxation Office.

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