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Staff Appraisals – 4 Hints for Success

Staff Appraisals – 4 Hints for Success

KPIs, performance reviews and appraisals help employees know how they have been doing and what further development or training they need to do to improve. Reviews should be available to all staff. Use the  performance and development agreement plan to outline your employee’s expected performance standards and goals as well as skills improvement.

Staff appraisals are very important as they boost employee performance and efficiency. Performance appraisal is also intended to boost workers motivation by offering them new on the job training to adapt to new technology and other changes.

The most effective way is to have a combination of structured face to face discussions with diary notes quarterly then half yearly reviews with a full review at the end of the year. Also, remove the prospect of a discussion about pay. Retain this for another time as an employee should be able to leave their review thinking about performance.

In conducting a performance review you should:

  • Employee to rate themselves
  • Written performance review to the employee
  • Back up any positives and negativesand be specific
  • Meeting within 48 hours of the written performance review
  • File any employee comments

Not all procedures will end up creating the intended change in an employee. This is why all employers need to prepare for staff appraisals in advance. Here is how to do it.

Hint 1: Assess job descriptions – As a manager you do not want to appear unaware of what the employee was employed to do. Also check the report developed during the last year’s appraisal.
Hint 2: Alert employees early – An abrupt notice would not only be annoying but also unfair to the employee. They also need to peruse some documents to get ready for the activity.
Hint 3: Create a favorable environment – It is good to decide where the discussions will take place. Choose a quiet, uninterrupted area in your business
Hint 4: Focus on employee development – Workers appraisals create an opportunity to develop your employees. But you need to know your organizational needs for the future to know how to train your worker.

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