Running an Effective Meeting
Running an effective meeting
Meetings can be a giant time waster and drain on staff resources and time if they are not well planned and managed. Like orienteering without a map – without a clear set intention for a meeting, you and your staff will end up lost and further behind than when you started. Here are our 6 tips to planning your next A+ meeting.
- Have a plan
Your meetings should have a clear agenda set before the meeting. Give your staff the opportunity to contribute to the agenda and distribute to attendees prior to the meeting so they have the chance to familiarise themselves with the meeting topics.
- Designate your meeting chairperson
A designated chairperson should run your meetings – whether this is management or a rotating member of staff. It should be clear who the chair of the meeting is and it is their responsibility to keep the meeting flowing and under control.
- Stick to the agenda
It is all very well and good to create an agenda – as long as it is followed! Encourage discussion, debate and ideas, however ensure that discussions are keep on track to the meeting at hand and do not verge off into unrelated issues.
- Provide food
Everyone is happier when they have food in their belly. Whether it is just provision of coffee and tea with a biscuit or fruit platter, providing food at meetings (particularly long meetings) can have a drastic impact on staff input and willingness to contribute. Ensure to stock healthy options to encourage healthy eating habits amongst your staff.
- Encourage input from all staff members
Let everyone’s voice be heard. Open forums like meetings can tend to be overpowered by those with bigger voices and louder personalities – so be sure to encourage input from those who may hold back their opinions and ideas.
- Put in action plans and give feedback
If major plans and projects are discussed, ensure to develop an action plan and delegate team members to their implementation. Provide feedback to staff of the outcomes as they are achieved or at the next meeting. Be sure not to let great ideas slip by the wayside.
Follow these simple tips to ensure your next meeting is productive, on time and worthwhile – instead of an opportunity to get some shut-eye.
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