Newcastle Accountants | Maitland Accountants | Bottrell Offices located in Newcastle, Maitland. Your local Accountants, Tax Agents & Advisors in Newcastle & Maitland.

Where Is Your Confidential Information?

Did you know Accountants and Financial Planners are sending clients work offshore to increase profits margins?

Australian consumers are used to the offshore call centre when dealing with telcos. But would you expect your accountant to outsource your tax return to a cheap outfit overseas?

Many accountants in Australia are shifting large proportions of their operations offshore to countries like India and the Philippines where workers can be paid as little as $5 an hour to complete time-consuming compliance work.

Many Australians are paying a premium for their tax returns but are unaware the work is being outsourced offshore.

While legal, many consumers are unaware of this practice as they are not told who is personally processing their tax returns or handling the back end of their financial affairs. The only disclosure comes in the fine print buried within an engagement letter. This means many consumers are paying a premium for accounting services, without knowing that the person providing the service is based somewhere such as Bangalore, earning way below the Australian minimum wage.

Are you comfortable with you confidential information being sent offshore? Here at Bottrell Business Consultants we DO NOT outsource our clients work to offshore providers.

We are proud to be an Australian owned and run company who coach and mentor young local talent and help shape our economy.

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Bottrell Group
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