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Instagram For The Hospitality Industry

Bottrell Accountants | Newcastle Accounting Firm | Maitland Accountants

3 key Strategies for using Instagram in the hospitality industry.


Use your Destination on Instagram to promote your business by hosting a contest with a prize that entices the community to get involved!

For example:

A contest that encourages entrants to visually depict what your town/city means to them. Users are required to follow your Instagram page, upload an original photograph, hashtag your chosen promotional hashtag, write a caption and submit a form on your website, having their followers/friends/family like and/or share their entry social media.

This is an excellent marketing tactic in that it has its own audience create and share marketing collateral. Its gets people who have heard of your business involved. It also gets people excited about the city you’re in and the various components of it.


Using photographs people have taken of their food or beverages from your restaurant or cafe and hash tagging a promotional hashtag you created.

For example:

People are naturally photographing their food and beverages now on a regular basis, so incentivizing this practice with a chance to win is a great way to increase hype around the brand and create a unique experience for the visitor.


Keep the followers on their toes with exciting new images on stories

For example:

Instagram has a feature called Stories which is displayed at the top of the app and lasts 24 hours. This way you can show your followers daily what you’re up to and ‘tease’ them with a short video or photograph of new products or specials. Keeping current is a great way to keep in the forefront of your follower’s minds and in turn will make them come in and see what the fuss is about.


We have helped many businesses reach new heights with our Instagram Marketing Strategies. So if think you need more social media exposure but not sure how to go about it, speak to one of our trained professionals on how to get started!

Contact the office on (02)49336888

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Bottrell Group
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