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East Maitland Accountants & Financial Advisors, Newcastle Accountants & Financial Advisors

10 Crazy Things You Can Claim on Tax

10 craziest things you can claim on tax One of the most dreaded and highly anticipated times of the year is tax season. There are millions of Australians who are wrecking their nerves out for ways on how to boost their tax returns. According to a research conducted by Officeworks, there are $1.65 billion of unclaimed taxes [...]

Super Payables Overlooked at EOFY

Forgetting to pay out superannuation payable accounts before the end of financial year could be costly for businesses and is something overlooked by many accountants, warns an accounting firm. The due date for super payments in Q4 of 2017-18 will be 28 July and, according to the ATO, if super payments have not been paid [...]

What is attention arbitrage?

Attention arbitrage. A somewhat new name but a familiar concept. So what is it?   Arbitrage is the process of buying and selling in different markets and benefiting from the profit. Attention arbitrage flips the focus from monetary value – to people’s attention, a somewhat rare commodity.  Attention arbitrage focuses on how to attract and [...]

How to Create a Good First Impression

1. Be on Time Someone you are meeting for the first time will not be interested in your "good excuse" for running late. Plan to arrive a few minutes early, and allow flexibility for possible delays in traffic or taking a wrong turn. Arriving early is much better that arriving late, and is the first [...]

5 Great Apps For Entrepreneurs

We check our phones about 85 times a day. Chances are, you’re reading this on one right now – or it won’t be long till you check it again. A staggering 70% of internet traffic now comes from mobile devices. This ‘smartphone addiction’ gets bad press these days. For any small business owners, rather than a distraction, the [...]

Mobile Technology in a Modern Business

Claire Mackay is nationally recognised as one of Australia’s pre-eminent financial planners. She is passionate about improving financial literacy for all Australians. Dean is a green-star certified, licensed carpenter and builder – with a green conscience. They met to discuss mobile technology in a modern business for an upcoming podcasts as part of xero's beautiful business [...]

ATTN – Investment Property Owners

If you own a negatively geared investment property you may be eligible to have less tax withheld from your wages each week and more money in your pocket. Simply lodge a PAYG Withholding Variation, if this is accepted, your employer is directed to withhold less tax from your which gives you more cash flow to [...]